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27-28 SEPTEMBER 2018
SouthMed WiA’s Meeting in Alicante

The project “SouthMed WiA, Towards Greater Gender Equality: Promoting the Role and Image of Women in the Southern Mediterranean Audio-visual Sector” will organize a meeting in Alicante on 27-28 September 2018. The event will be hosted by Casa Mediterráneo, a cultural foundation supporting exchanges and synergies between the two shores of the Mediterranean Sea.

The SouthMed WiA’s sub-grantees of the second call will participate in a two-day interactive training on Monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning and on Production, marketing & distribution and film festival access with a gender perspective. They will also have the opportunity to network with local organizations, as well as present their work and projects.

The event will be followed by a public session entitled “Challenging gender inequality in the audiovisual sector in the Mediterranean”, involving experts of the audio-visual sector and gender equality, such Ms Pilar Perez Solano, producer and movie director from the Spanish Association of Women Filmmakers and Audiovisual Media, CIMA, and the Lebanese movie director and producer Ms Dima Al Joundi. The Director General of the Valencian Regional Institute for women and gender equality, Ms Maria Such i Palomares, will close the event.

SouthMed WiA, co-funded by the European Union, addresses issues related to the perpetuation of gender-based stereotypes and the under-representation of women in the audio-visual sector in seven Southern Mediterranean countries: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia. It is implemented by a consortium led by Interarts, Spain, in partnership with the Higher School of Audio-visual and Cinema (ESAC) in Tunisia, the Culture & Media Agency Europe (CUMEDIAE) in Belgium, the Permanent Conference of the Mediterranean Audio-visual Operators (COPEAM) in Italy and the Screen Institute Beirut (SIB) in Lebanon.

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